Blume - Blue Lavender


Lavender, coconut milk, and blue spirulina make this blend balanced, calming and smooth. Take a sip, turn your brain off and just do nothing. Makes soft blue lattes that are so relaxing and an easy pick up for anyone who likes lavender.

30 servings per bag.

Ingredients: Organic Coconut Milk Powder (Coconut Milk, Tapioca Maltodextrin), Sugars (Organic Coconut Sugar), Organic Ground Lavender, Organic Blue Spirulina.

CONTAINS: Coconut.

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Lavender, coconut milk, and blue spirulina make this blend balanced, calming and smooth. Take a sip, turn your brain off and just do nothing. Makes soft blue lattes that are so relaxing and an easy pick up for anyone who likes lavender.

30 servings per bag.

Ingredients: Organic Coconut Milk Powder (Coconut Milk, Tapioca Maltodextrin), Sugars (Organic Coconut Sugar), Organic Ground Lavender, Organic Blue Spirulina.

CONTAINS: Coconut.

Lavender, coconut milk, and blue spirulina make this blend balanced, calming and smooth. Take a sip, turn your brain off and just do nothing. Makes soft blue lattes that are so relaxing and an easy pick up for anyone who likes lavender.

30 servings per bag.

Ingredients: Organic Coconut Milk Powder (Coconut Milk, Tapioca Maltodextrin), Sugars (Organic Coconut Sugar), Organic Ground Lavender, Organic Blue Spirulina.

CONTAINS: Coconut.